Monday, December 30, 2019

Sweden Health Care System Essay - 1586 Words

Carissa Bahadur FYS INTD 101-03 Professor Caselli 7 December 2017 Sweden’s Healthcare System The life expectancy of people in Sweden is increasing according to The website provides a statistic stating â€Å"average lifespan is now 81.4 years for women and 80.3 years for men. This can be attributed in part to falling mortality rates from heart attacks and strokes. In 2016, one in five people was 65 or older. On the other hand, the number of children born in Sweden has been increasing each year since the late 1990s†. Coverage is universal in Sweden. All residents are entitled to publicly-financed health care. There is a population of 9,189,164 people in Sweden. According to the source International Health Care System Profiles†¦show more content†¦The county councils and the municipalities impose corresponding income taxes on their populations to help cover health care services. In 2015, 69 percent of the county councils’ total revenues came from local taxes and 17 percent from subsidies and national government grants financed by national income taxes and indirect taxes. General government grants are made to redistribute resources among municipalities and county councils based on need. There are certain government grants that finance particular access to reducing waiting times. In 2015, 89 percent of county councils’ total spending was on health care. Coverage is universal and automatic in Sweden. The 1982 Health and Medical Services Act states that the health system must cover all legal residents. There is emergency coverage provided to all patients from European Union/European Economic Area countries and to patients from nine other countries with which Sweden has agreements. Also, asylum-seeking and undocumented children have the right to health care services and children who are permanent residents. Adult asylum seekers and undocumented adults have the right to receive care that cannot be deferred. The private health insurance of Sweden, in forms supplementary coverage, accounts for less than 1 percent of expenditures. It is associated with occupational health services, it is purchased primarily toShow MoreRelatedThe Difference Between Unites States Healthcare Systems and the Healthcare Systems in Sweden866 Words   |  4 PagesStates healthcare systems and the healthcare systems in Sweden Noranda Brown Kaplan University The difference between healthcare systems in the United States and the healthcare systems in Sweden. Healthcare systems vary in many different developing countries, causing various types of governmental issues regarding the care of unhealthy citizens in an unstable environment. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Impact Of Immigration On The United States Essay - 1434 Words

Introduction As our economy continues to grow, as does the world that we live in. With this more and more people are continuing to travel and immigrate across borders. With over 175 million people accounting for 3% of the world’s population (Kerr, Kerr 2011) living permanently overseas, the landscape of global business and economics is continuing to grow. This shift in demographic can leads to many changes and adjustments for countries, some of which can reap benefits others may cause financial harm. Major impacts of immigration can be observed in several forms of a countries economic system such as employment opportunities for both immigrated workers as well as current citizens along with unemployment rates, wages, profit margins, the ability of local and international business’ to grow and the overall GDP of the specific country. For this paper specifically the developed country that will be analysed will be Australia. Considered to be one of the worlds â€Å"major immigration na tions† (together with New Zealand, Canada and the United States of America) (Phillips, Simon-Davies 2016) Australia is fast becoming a go-to country for those looking for a fresh start. Entering through either the â€Å"Migration Program† or â€Å"Humanitarian Program† depending on the specific level of expertise Australia is quick to start the process of entering these immigrants to the workforce. With a high percentage of Australians that have been born overseas (7.2 million) Australia needs to prepare and planShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Immigration On The United States1301 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"The US Council of Economic Advisers on Immigration s Economic Impact. Population and Development Review, 33. 3, (2007), 641. Web. Feb. 2017. Immigration remains the subject of significant public and political debate in the United States. In May and June of 2007, a lot of public attention was concentrated on a debate in the U.S congress on legislation. The bill in front of the senate formally named the â€Å"Secure Borders, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Reform Act of 2007,† was controversialRead MoreImpact Of Immigration On The United States1017 Words   |  5 Pagespassed during that time that affected immigrants. America’s view at this time reflected that of strong Nativism. Several anti-immigration groups had their fair share of influence in political affairs that had a negative affect on certain groups. This paper will outline the events that led to three pieces of legislation. This paper will also highlight the impact on immigration and how the chosen pieces of legislation contributed to future legislation (if at all). The first piece of legislation highlightedRead MoreThe Impact Of Immigration On The United States1415 Words   |  6 PagesRecent immigration has not only increased since the end of World War 2, but also gained momentum, reaching numbers in the 1990s. The national origin of US immigrants also changed sharply over the past fifty years. Before 1960, the vast majority came from European countries or Canada. Even as late as the 1950s, more than two-thirds of all arrivals were from these countries. During 1960s, however, when family reunification criteria rather than national origin quotas became the basis for allocatingRead MoreThe Impact Of Immigration On The United States971 Words   |  4 Pagesimmigrants in the United States? What is the impact of immigrants in the United States economic system? How can we define the history of immigration in the United States? According to Nancy Kleniewski, â€Å"It has often been said that the United States is a nation of immigrants. Immigration has been a long-term trend, but both the locations where immigrants settle and the places from which they come have changed over the years† (Kleniewski, 169). For a very long time in the United States, there seemsRead MoreImpact Of Immigration On The United States1283 Words   |  6 Pagescreate a safer border environment by facing the multiple Issues and Challenges, like illegal Immigration, Drug Enforcement, and cross-border Transportation, and Technological improvements by Homeland security influence the agents, trying to cease these issues. A vast complication that the United States goes through is the huge illegal immigration. Each year thousands of illegal immigrants enter the United States across the U.S.-Mexican border. The result is that the congress has mandated increased effortsRead MoreThe Impact Of Immigration On The United States1279 Words   |  6 Pagescreate a safer border environment by facing the multiple Issues and Challenges, like illegal Immigration, Drug Enforcement, and cross-border Transportation, and Technological improvements by Homeland security influence the agents, trying to cease these issues. A vast complication that the United States goes through is the huge illegal immigration. Each year thousands of illegal immigrants enter the United States across the U.S.-Mexican border. The result is that the congress has mandated increased effortsRead MoreThe Impact Of Immigration On The United States1469 Words   |  6 Pagescontaining several scholarly articles such as JSTOR and GALE. Two sources that will be used to preforme OPVL are a personal interbore from a man who worked in downtown Houston during the 1990’s, and an article published examining the influx of immigration into Texas during the 1990’s Summary of Evidence- During the 1990’s there was an influx in foreign born population. In Texas the native born population was approximately 15,462,074 people. The foreign born population was 1,524,436 meaning thatRead MoreThe Impact Of Immigration On United States1989 Words   |  8 PagesThe Impact of Immigration on United States (U.S.) Economy Introduction In recent times, migration has been a major point of discussion at different international fora. According to the United Nations (UN), more than 175 million people, about three percent of world’s population, live and work permanently outside their countries of birth (UN, 2002). The changing faces of European migration, at the beginning of the new millennium is different from those of fifty years ago. Also, in the late 19th andRead MoreThe Impact Of Immigration On The United States1925 Words   |  8 PagesImmigration is a very broad topic, a topic that has been highly discussed in the past. However, what is the reason that most people think people migrate from Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador, or Guatemala? Most would say it is because of job opportunities that will better their families. Some say it is because of the higher rate of freedom in the United States. However, not many people look at the hard environments back in the homelands of the immigrants. Maybe a big reason for crossing the borderRead MoreThe Impact Of Immigration On The United States1692 Words   |  7 PagesImmigration has radically changed a religion picture in the United States. At the present time people with their unique culture, specific habits and traditions participate in our society. America is their home as well as ours. To live in peace together we have to understand, communicate and integrate with each other. But sometimes unforeseen events happen and crash the whole global hope for productive cooperation. On September 11, 2001, the tragedy in the USA shocked the whole world. It was the message

Friday, December 13, 2019

MHR week asses Free Essays

Knowledge is composed of which three interrelated types? Answer Declarative, practical, and strategic Declarative, practical, and skill Compilation, automatic, and strategic Declarative, procedural, and strategic None of the above 4 points Question 2 1. Which of the following is evidence supporting the assertion that companies are investing in more training? Answer Higher net sales per employee Higher gross profits per employee Higher ratios of market to book value 80th A 3 All of the above Question 3 1. Learning Is defined as a temporary change in cognition that results from experience and may influence behavior. We will write a custom essay sample on MHR week asses or any similar topic only for you Order Now A relatively permanent change In understanding and thinking that results from experience and directly influences behavior. A relatively permanent change in understanding and thinking that models a temporary change In understanding and thinking. A relatively permanent change in cognition that results from self efficacy and 1 OFF Question 4 1. In the training process model, evaluation begins at which point? Answer During the design phase. During the implementation phase. During the analysis phase. During the development phase. Question 5 1. A reason there might be conflict among HARD and ODD professionals is that the ODD practitioner Answer has a more tactical approach. Tends to be seen as overly analytical. Deals with mostly middle management. 80th A B. 80th A C. Question 6 1. A mechanistic design is best applied in which of the following situations? Answer Non routine technologies Small businesses High volume assembly lines Where there are not clear answers to many of the problems that arise 4 points Question 7 1. ODD interventions could be implemented more successfully if they included training where employees Answer developed a common knowledge and skill base in the area of the intervention. Understood group dynamics and became skilled at working within groups. Understood and became skilled at using a common problem solving model. Question 8 1. The Authors use the acronym ASK to refer to what? Keep, simple, and attitude Knowledge, skills, and attitudes Knowledge, strategy, and aptitude Know, strategy, always Question 9 are the foundations for competencies. Tests SOAK’S Strengths Motivation Skill sets Question 10 1. Which best explains the strategic training alternative of the internal provider? All or most training developed in house, each phase handled by specialists, and needs developed from a decentralized HARD function All or most training purchased from outside sources, each phase handled by specialists, and needs developed from a centralized HARD function. How to cite MHR week asses, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Best Cloud Storage For Volkswagen Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Best Cloud Storage For Volkswagen. Answer: Introduction Cloud computing is referred as delivery of hosted services over the internet which enables corporations to use computing resources such as storage, application, or a virtual machine like a utility such as electricity. While using cloud computing, enterprises did not have to build and maintain a computing infrastructure in-house (Armbrust, et al., 2010). This report will discuss the significant features that are necessary to be considered while selecting a type of cloud storage. This report will elaborate services that are offered by cloud storage providers and compare the attributes of public, private and hybrid cloud storage. Further, the report will examine which is the best cloud storage for Volkswagen and evaluate the benefits and challenges of using cloud storage by corporations. Important Features for Selecting Cloud Storage Following are significant features that are necessary to be considered by corporations while selecting a suitable type of cloud storage. Cost: The cost generally correlated with performance and features which by a Cloud Service Provider (CSP). For example, high-latency storage is a cheaper option than low-latency storage for companies (Zhang, Cheng Boutaba, 2010). Risk assessment: Physical data storage include a number of risks such as power disruptions, hardware failure, and disputes with vendors. Online backup mitigates risks of business or technical issues. Therefore, companies are required to assess their risks before selecting a suitable cloud storage provider. Security: Use of cloud storage increases the risk of cyber-attack which increases the investment of companies in security data. Integration with other applications: Organisations have to understand different integrations points and how a cloud storage provider will integrate it with other applications. Service-Level Agreements (SLA): An SLA includes different terms and penalty clauses for non-delivery of services by a cloud storage provider. The companies should ensure that SLA includes different clauses which ensure efficiency in data usage (Wu Buyya, 2012). Selecting right provider: The number of CSPs is high which include market leaders such as Google Cloud Platform, Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure. Therefore, organisations should evaluate reliability and pricing of each player before selecting the most suitable one for them. Services offered by Cloud Storage Providers and Examples Following are different services which are offered by CSPs along with examples of each service. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) It provides virtualised computing resources to companies through the internet. It gives access to crucial web architecture which includes servers, connections, storage space with the requirement of companies to purchase or manage the infrastructure (Bhardwaj, Jain Jain, 2010). A good example of IaaS is Amazon EC2 which provides secure and resizable computing capacity of the cloud to corporations, and it makes web-scale cloud computing easier for developers (Amazon, 2018). Platform as a Service (PaaS) If the cloud offers services of a development platform to developers which include services such as web server, programming language execution environment, database and operating system, it is known as PaaS (Beimborn, Miletzki Wenzel, 2011). The Example of PaaS includes Google App Engine which assists developing in building mobile applications and modern web on an open cloud platform (Google, 2018). Software as a Service (SaaS) It is referred as a software distribution model that enables third-party providers to host their applications and to make them available to their customers over the internet. It eliminates the need for companies to install and run the programs or applications on their computers or managing them from their data centres. Use of SaaS eliminates various expenses relating to hardware, acquisition, maintenance, and provisioning, along with software installation, support and licensing (Wohl, 2010). The example of SaaS model is Gmail which is a free web-based e-mail service provided by Google to its customers which enable them to send emails, search specific emails, create a conversational thread, automatic organisation of emails and others. Comparison between Public, Private and Hybrid Cloud Storage Public Cloud Private Cloud Hybrid Cloud Tenancy Data of multiple companies stored in a shared environment. Only a single corporations data is stored. Public cloud stores data in shared environment whereas private cloud data is kept private by a firm (Goyal, 2014). Exposed to public Anyone can access and use the data. Only the company has the access. Services using public cloud can be accessed by anyone whereas applications on private cloud can only be accessed by the firm. Hardware Components CSPs provide and maintain the hardware. Companies have their own administrators for cloud management. Private cloud is managed by the firm whereas public cloud is managed by service providers (Jadeja Modi, 2012). Expenses CSPs bear expenses relating to hardware, maintenance, set-up application, and network accessibility as per SLA. More expensive as expenses bear by the firm itself. Private cloud expenses are managed by the company whereas CSPs manage public cloud expenses. Best Cloud Storage for Volkswagen Volkswagen is a German auto manufacturer company which offer its service worldwide. The best cloud storage option for Volkswagen is SaaS. Use of SaaS can improve supply chain operations of the firm such as supplier synchronisation, advanced shipping notices, reducing management cost, and others. Volkswagen can automate its supply chain functions by making a SaaS application can facilitate services such as sending automated orders to suppliers, sending products to distribution centres, improved communication which leads to better collaboration and others. Benefits and Challenges of using Cloud Storage Benefits Cost efficiency Global access to data Reduced support and hardware needs Greener option than compared to traditional IT infrastructure Challenges Risk of cyber-attack and availability of data The need for reliable and fast internet service Difficulty in change management since trained employees required Conclusion In conclusion, cloud computing is referred as a practice of using a network of remote server that is hosted on the internet for performing various services such as managing, storing, and processing data, instead of using local servers. Before choosing a cloud service provider, companies should consider factors such as cost, risk assessment, SLA, right provider and others. The advantages of cloud computing include cost efficiency, global access, greener option and reduced support and hardware needs. The challenges include risk of cyber-attack and availability of data, dependence on reliable internet, and difficulty in change management. Organisations should evaluate these factors before investing in cloud computing technology which improves their operations and sustains their future growth. References Amazon. (2018). Amazon EC2. Retrieved from Armbrust, M., Fox, A., Griffith, R., Joseph, A. D., Katz, R., Konwinski, A., ... Zaharia, M. (2010). A view of cloud computing.Communications of the ACM,53(4), 50-58. Beimborn, D., Miletzki, T., Wenzel, S. (2011). Platform as a service (PaaS).Business Information Systems Engineering,3(6), 381-384. Bhardwaj, S., Jain, L., Jain, S. (2010). Cloud computing: A study of infrastructure as a service (IAAS).International Journal of engineering and information Technology,2(1), 60-63. Google. (2018). Google App Engine. Retrieved from Goyal, S. (2014). Public vs private vs hybrid vs community-cloud computing: A critical review.International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security,6(3), 20. Jadeja, Y., Modi, K. (2012). Cloud computing-concepts, architecture and challenges. InComputing, Electronics and Electrical Technologies (ICCEET), 2012 International Conference on(pp. 877-880). IEEE. Wohl, A. (2010). Software as a Service (SaaS).The Next Wave of Technologies: Opportunities from Chaos, 97-113. Wu, L., Buyya, R. (2012). Service level agreement (sla) in utility computing systems.IGI Global,15. Zhang, Q., Cheng, L., Boutaba, R. (2010). Cloud computing: state-of-the-art and research challenges.Journal of internet services and applications,1(1), 7-18.