Thursday, September 3, 2020

Current Research and Emerging Questions free essay sample

Ebb and flow Research and Emerging Questions S. Craig Watkins, Associate Professor of Sociology and Radii)- Television-Film, The University of Texas at Austin Introduction Young African Americans have not taken an interest as long as their white partners in the media culture industry (Nightingale 1993). In truth, it is hard to observe a meaningful connection between dark youth and the broad communications before the sass.The Initial prohibition of blacks from well known media culture Is owing to two principle factors: 1) an absence of optional pay with respect to power outages and their families and, 2) racial exclusionary rehearses with respect to the way of life Industries. Significant financial and instructive advances since the backtalk have forcefully expanded dark family and optional pay (Farley and Allen 1987) and furthermore help to set up a reasonable African American purchaser culture.By the late backtalk and early backtalk the film (Gruyere 1993; Watkins 1998) and media businesses (Gray 1995) started reacting to the moving sensibilities of dark youth culture by making items that explicitly focused on dark youth. We will compose a custom article test on Ebb and flow Research and Emerging Questions or on the other hand any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page It was likewise during his time that the more extensive circulation of TV happened, in this manner presenting dark youth to American customer culture in manners obscure to past ages (Nightingale 1993). An essential point of this paper is to diagram a portion of the significant examination youngsters and new issues that analyze the changing connection between dark American youth and the broad communications industry.Black Youth, and Media Stereotyping: The Media Effects Paradigm The far reaching appropriation and utilization of broad communications keeps on creating Intense discussion concerning the degree to which items squeeze film, TV, and music video influence youth conduct and social turn of events. An essential point of the impacts worldview has been to investigate how media mingles youth Into conduct that Impairs their capacity to develop Into socially mindful and gainful residents. As dark youth have encountered more noteworthy access to the items and administrations made by t he broad communications industry, extra inquiries have developed. One explicit site of Inquiry Involves the impacts of broad communications generalizing on the confidence and subjective improvement of dark youth. For a large portion of its history he broad communications industry has created pictures that twist and distort the complexities of the African American experience. Contemporary media portrayals of African Americans can be best depicted as incomprehensible: blacks are at the same time underrepresented and overrepresented in American media culture. For instance. Needs show up more as often as possible in both TV (Khan 1990; Alicia and Basis 1993) and magazine ads (Taylor 1995). In any case, blacks are additionally bound to show up in minor or foundation jobs (Wilkes and Valiance 1989) or during dark arranged projects (Alicia and Basis 1993). Investigation of the broadcast business affirms that officials, scholars, and chiefs tend not to put African Americans in emotional story-plots and projects (Gray 1995). Blacks are well on the way to show up in kind arrangements (I. E. Circumstance comedies, theatrical presentations) that are stingy, carefree, and non-undermining. In addition, an investigation of neighborhood TV news programs from twenty-nine urban communities found that African Americans tend not to show up as magician news sources, columnists, or be remembered for reports about non-racial issues (I. E. , the economy) accordingly prompting an inescapable type of standardization (Campbell 1995). While blacks are underrepresented in numerous zones of broad communications they are overrepresented in TV sports communicates and wrongdoing and brutality related depictions. Amusingly, Sharpe and Curry (1996) contend that while pictures of blacks in magazines has expanded, this may really be a counterproductive pattern since blacks are dominatingly depicted in athletic jobs. Likewise, Bowen and Schmidt (1997) found that while pictures of blacks in standard magazines has expanded there is little job or word related variety. In this examination, blacks were bound to show up as competitors or performers. Hofmann (1997) keeps up that the Italianization of the dark picture replicates and promotes long-standing legends about natural and scholarly contrasts among blacks and whites.Furthermore, considers show that when African Americans are depicted in TV news it is commonly in forceful, rough, or criminal jobs (Piffle et al. 1996). Examination of reality-based TV programs created two significant discoveries: 1) savage wrongdoing was overrepresented and, 2) blacks and Latino are lopsidedly delineated as hoodlums (Oliver 1994). In one of the cost broad investigations of TV news, Reeves and Campbell (1994) found that inclusion of cocaine use and vicious related conduct during the backtalk normally rewarded youthful dark guys and females as obsessive dangers to society.Also, an ongoing examination of the film business states that blacks will in general be confined to low spending highlights that emphasis excessively on wrongdoing, brutality, and youth misconduct (Watkins 1998). How does the current picture scene influence the confidence and psychological improvement of African American youth? Tan and Tan (1979) analyzed the impacts of the constrained depiction of blacks in high-status occupations. These scientists probably infer that overwhelming presentation to white-pointed TV programming causes lower confidence among blacks.Similarly, in his ethnographic investigation of helpless dark youth, Nightingale (1993) contends that their relationship to broad communications culture prompts genuine social and menta l issues. He contends that, while dark youth live in a universe of exceptional material wealth, obvious utilization, and media publicizing, their neediness stricken status seriously restricts their capacity to take an interest in a quickly extending customer culture, consequently prompting individual dissatisfaction, social shame, and distance. Lee and Brown (1995) battle that dark youth might be particularly affected by TV notices including dark competitors. They found that guardians and adolescents oftentimes differ and contend over buy choices of buyer items. Helpless youth seek after ownership of compensatory superficial points of interest (I. E. , costly shoes, garments, Jewelry) so as to assist them with arranging social shame and financial standardization (Nightingale 1993). Then again, a few media researchers fight dark youth may not be adversely impacted by media culture as a result of the higher economic wellbeing and expert presumes that blacks were overwhelming watchers of dark network shows and for the most part appraised dark TV characters more emphatically than did non-blacks.Thus, she states that TV doesn't affect the confidence of dark audience members. Strongman (1986) analyzed intellectual advancement of dark kids comparable to their TV seeing propensities and reasons that dark kids show an exceptionally inspirational disposition toward blacks who show up in high status jobs. Strongman (1991) keeps up that TV both contrarily and emphatically influences the social and subjective advancement of dark kids and adolescents.Rather than sum up the assumed negative impacts of TV, Strongman accepts the medium can furnish youth with significant information about the world that is inaccessible to them in their quick condition. She recognizes, be that as it may, that the degree to which TV can be a way to improve the self-idea of dark kids relies enormously upon the intercession of guardians, teachers, and industry staff directing youth toward increasingly instructive situated programming.Black Youth: Media Colonization and Quality of Life Issues Television watchers among dark youth is higher than their white partners (Pinpointed and Strongman 1981). Social and financial variables clarify this pattern (Greenberg and Dominick 1969). For instance, elevated levels of audience members will in general relate with low financial status. Since poor and regular workers youngs ters are less inclined to approach non-school related extra-curricular exercises, they may invest more energy at home, hence expanding their watchers of TV. Additionally, on the grounds that dark youngsters are bound to be raised in single parent family units, they may not get a similar level of parental management as white kids. Subsequently, dark youth might be bound to utilize TV for friendship (Surliness and Dominick 1970-71). In view of its openness and infiltration of American household life, numerous specialists see TV as the most remarkable type of media colonization. To the extent that TV is an incredible specialist of colonization, its belongings are probably going to be generally articulated on populaces that see it most.High levels of watchers at home have significant personal satisfaction suggestions for youth. Three of the most significant personal satisfaction files incorporate instructive turn of events, sexual conduct, and objectives, goals or gathering of life possibilities. To start with, high measures of watchers at home among youth can add to bring down degrees of proficiency. The time committed to TV lessens the measure of time youth have accessible to additionally create and upgrade their understanding aptitudes (Gaudy 1986; Strongman 1991). Second, watchers at home may likewise impact youth sexual behavior.In a review survey of 391 young people, Brown and Newcomer (1991) found a connection between their sexual conduct and survey of sexual substance on TV. While causal heading was not satisfactory from the information (I. E. , id presentation to sexual substance improve probability of sex or the other way around? ), the creators propose the requirement for increment portra

Saturday, August 22, 2020

macbeth essay

macbeth exposition macbeth exposition In the deplorability of Macbeth the witch’s prediction is ethically malevolent. Great and is reflected in the idea of each character. There alone are answerable for their intentions and activities prompting either achievement or ruin. Talk about All through the play each character shows qualities that either carries them to significance or to defeat. Shakespeare shows us every character thought processes and activity drives them to their last predetermination. A prime case of this is the dauntless solider Macbeth that bears everything to anyone who might be in the vicinity and ensures his local land yet then carry’s on to execute his lord and companions. In Macbeth’s marriage he tries to be the ‘perfect’ spouse however both their vaulting desire for the seat separates them as their solid portrays disrupt the general flow. As a solider Macbeth was a warrior he would flips fights completely around single headedly and accept the downpours as the best solider in Scotland. Macbeths dearest companions with Duncan and Banquo yet loses them his vaulting desire for the seat. The marriage among Macbeth and Lady Macbeth depended on being with one another when they required them the most yet as the play went on and the circumstance kicked untidy they off to get childish and disregard one another. Rather than being at the seat together in enormity their marriage turned into a crash course. The marriage got the terrible that his accomplice ended her life what destroyed the marriage was that the two of them got excessively made up for lost time in their own difficulties that they overlooked each other’s which divided them. While

Friday, August 21, 2020

Ines of My Soul Essay Example

Ines of My Soul Paper In Isabel Allende’s Ines of My Soul, one lady, Ines Suarez, challenges the conventional job of ladies and society by setting out upon an excursion close by her ally to vanquish a piece of the New World. All through the campaign, Ines faces difficulties as a result of her sexual orientation, yet she additionally figures out how to utilize her sex and the conventional sex job to further her potential benefit. In Spain, machismo was pervasive in the public eye, taking into consideration men to feel and go about as though inalienably better than ladies. In spite of the fact that she was not a compliant spouse, Ines was as yet dependent upon chauvinist comments by her better half, Rodrigo de Quiroga. For instance, as Ines endeavored to demoralize Rodrigo from an undertaking to the New World by contending that everything had just been found, Rodrigo yells, â€Å"How uninformed you are, lady! † Yet, Ines wouldn't be compliant and would once in a while respond insubordinately and request regard, at times depending on physical brutality so as to be regarded. Albeit cultural standards urged ladies to remain at home, Ines had the goal of leaving to the New World behind Rodrigo, notwithstanding the perils they could have confronted. When the excursion started, Ines picked up her regard from the individuals ready. Working in a nun’s clinic in Plasencia, Ines had figured out how to close up wounds and care for individuals with broken bones, which attempted to her advantage as mariners looked for her assistance, notwithstanding her food. Ines would likewise utilize the job as the hopeless spouse furthering her potential benefit. As she expected to sail to Peru with a gathering of Dominican clerics, Ines wore her dark dresses to communicate her loyalty to Juan, yet Ines had not adored Juan in years. However, Ines would bear a few stressing circumstances, particularly among men. We will compose a custom paper test on Ines of My Soul explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom paper test on Ines of My Soul explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom paper test on Ines of My Soul explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Since it was uncommon for a lady to head out alone and encompassed totally by men, Ines was an obvious objective for lewd behavior. Sebastian Romero in one case attempted to assault Ines. On her excursion to Peru, men additionally badgering Ines regardless of the watchfulness by ministers. The way that Ines was one of the not very many Spanish ladies in the district contributed to certain difficulties, yet it likewise added to specific advantages. Ines clarifies that since men were not familiar with seeing a Spanish lady without an accomplice, they likewise treated her with extraordinary thought. In that long, slow excursion to Cuzco they kept an eye on my necessities, imparted their food to me, loaned me their tents and hills, and gave me boots and a sweeping woven of vicuna, the best material on the planet. † Indeed, Ines appreciated numerous benefits since she was Spanish. Ines additionally profited of the distinctive culture of the New World. In Peru, nobody denied her rega rd. Pedro de Valdivia was a hitched man yet Ines advocated their relationship by contending that in the New World, â€Å"†¦men required prompt love, or a substitute for it. Moreover, men have special ladies in Spain. † Ines’s character was totally different from the customary lead of ladies around then. Truth be told, Pedro concedes that Ines was threatening. She was likewise extremely confident. However, on account of women’s substandard status in the public eye, Ines would not be paid attention to as she attempted to persuade Pizarro to permit her to go with Pedro de Valdivia on his mission to Chile. In any case, Ines would utilize one of her aptitudes to further her potential benefit, that of dowsing, or finding water as a contention for why she ought to be permitted to go. When in Chile, Ines does in reality discover water and all the conquistadores figure out how to drink, for which they, particularly Pedro de Valdivia, were grateful with Ines. â€Å"She spared us from thirst and in the desert†¦she, more than anybody, has the right to take an interest in this gathering. † Yet, Ines did communicate worry now and again with her job as a lady among men. As the commanders discussed whether to execute Sancho de la Hoz, Ines stayed quiet and didn't disclose to Pedro what he ought to do, since she would not like to be viewed as a virago who told de Valdivia everything that he ought to do. During the fights against the indigenous, Ines and different ladies were relied upon to cook for the warriors and deal with them. In fact, the ladies assumed a key job in the food of the fighters. Ines, Catalina, Cecilia, and other ladies would go to encompassing territories and exchange with the indigenous clans. They likewise viewed themselves as ‘healers’ and ‘physicians. ’ As Ines states, â€Å"We had great hands for setting broken bones, searing injuries, and aiding as birthing assistants; those gifts served us well. Positively, Ines and different ladies assumed a significant job in the colonization of such nations, including Chile. In Spain, ladies lived in a profoundly man centric culture. However, despite the fact that such qualities were available in the New World, ladies were permitted to communicate all the more uninhibitedly there. In the New World, ladies had a higher possibility of social portability and expanding their economic wellbeing. Wit h them, they brought their supporting abilities as overseers of the officers, which added to their endurance altogether. Notwithstanding, one likewise needs to consider the hardships that ladies needed to persevere. Ines Suarez confronted a considerable lot of these difficulties, yet her character permitted her to defeat them. She additionally had one of a kind gifts that permitted her to procure a more elevated level of regard from the men. Be that as it may, not all ladies who accompanied the conquistadors shared such characteristics. ? Book reference Allende, Isabel. Ines of My Soul. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 2006. Burkholder, Mark A. , and Lyman L. Johnson. Pioneer Latin America. 7 ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 2010.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Why Did Buddhism Fail to Take Hold in India - Free Essay Example

It comes as a phenomenon at how Buddhism was driven from the land of its birth place due to Hinduisms ultimate triumph. It is difficult to say what specifically led to Buddhist decline from India; however, it is clear that Hinduism corresponded more elaborately with human needs, and established more direct connections with deities. The philosophy that Buddhism denies the importance of gods and emphasizes on expectations that people find their own ascetic paths in life may have been too heavy a burden for the ordinary person. The traditional religion of India was Brahmanism, which offered little comfort to the common people. The Brahmins were the highest of a four level social caste system. They had become extremely powerful due to their crucial role in the execution of sacrifices and mystical potency. Nonetheless, few could afford to pay for these sacrifices. Brahmanism and its teachings were understood only by the uppermost elite, and had little appeal to the common person. Many were dissatisfied with Brahman society, and a number of philosophical sects began to arise. Buddhism arose in the sixth century B. C. E. and demanded no intense physical austerities; the teachings of the Buddha were successful because they were simple and empirical, and most importantly accessible to all. Unlike Brahmanism, which was essentially ritualistic and mythological, the Buddha’s teachings were based upon the eightfold path. The Buddha stated that each person could achieve Nirvana, the ultimate spiritual fulfillment. Buddhism effectively ignored the social strata and it stressed that all castes could follow the Middle Way and eventually gain enlightenment; no matter how low they were in society. The religion’s optimistic outlook on the potential of each individual to transcend suffering and its accessibility and democracy rendered it immensely appealing to the people. (Barnes 1:113) A system of nuns and monks was established; creating a pervading notion o f social equality that gave the religion strength. The establishment of the Sangha, the community of monks and nuns which linked all Buddhist monasteries together; served as a spiritual example for the community which played an important role in the religion’s rise and success. The Sangha were determined about spreading the Buddha’s message, and some monks even risked their lives by travelling out of India to preach the way out of suffering. (Eliade 2: 283) The appeal of Buddhism also seems somewhat economical. Vedic sacrifices had taken its toll on many; monarchs had often taxed their subjects for funds and those in poorer circumstances had no means of assuring their personal prosperity by sacrifice. However, by Following the Eightfold Path of the Buddha, it cost virtually nothing for the common man to practice his religion. Furthermore, the royal patronage Buddhism gained from its very inception further strengthened the religion. The Buddha was a Kshatriya prin ce who had forsaken his former life to gain enlightenment;† these actions attracted the notice of many kings. Bimbisara and Ajatasatru of Magadha and Prasenajit of Kosala were only a few of the numerous rulers who converted to the new religion of Buddhism. † (Shean, Vincent) Political support of the ruling class proved to be very significant to the rise of Buddhism. It is evident that by the 7th century C. E. that a decline in Buddhism is seen. For instance, Theravada Buddhism was on the verge of non-existence in most of the Indian subcontinent and Buddhism as a whole was on a steady decline. The religion was becoming tainted in many ways because â€Å"during the Gupta period onwards, Indian religion became more and more permeated with primitive ideas of sympathetic magic and sexual mysticism† (Shean, Vincent) affecting Buddhism because to these developments in its native land. The direct result of this was the birth of a new sect known as the third vehicle whi ch misinterpreted religious tenets and allowed the use of intoxicants; it was also lenient in the upholding of celibacy. Furthermore the fall of Buddhism continued with the corruption of the Sangha. From the many donations they received, they became rich, and monks began to ignore the tenth rule of the Vinaya and accepted silver and gold. The Mahayana school introduced expensive rituals and ceremonies into the religion, causing it to cease to be economical. Much of the decline of Buddhism was caused by its own failings; it could not meet the popularity of the re-emerged Hinduism. As an essentially non-theistic religion, it could not achieve the same success with the masses as Hinduism, which possessed a pantheon of gods that could intervene in the affairs of men if appeased. The moral corruption of Buddhism also caused degeneration in its intellectual standards; the Hindus, on the other hand, had a strong scholarly foundation. After the renowned Buddhist king Ashoka, the major ity of Indian rulers supported the new Hinduism. It had the patronage of the Gupta rulers and most of the Rajput rulers, ensuring it prosperity and success among the people. To make things even more appealing, Hinduism also incorporated many Buddhist elements, such as preaching monks and religious processions; it further claimed the Mahatma Buddha as one of the incarnations of the lord Vishnu. † (Parrinder 1:319) Therefore the common man did not make any great distinction between Hinduism and Buddhism; the new Hinduism embraced some of Buddhism and allowed for the belief of gods. Lastly, persecution of Buddhists played a final part in the downfall of the religion. Muslim invasions left India damaged; the invaders destroyed Buddhist monasteries and universities. A large number of Buddhist priests and monks fled retreating to the mountains of Tibet. â€Å"This left the Buddhist remnants of India with no priesthood to direct them, making it easy for Brahmins of the new Hindui sm to pick up the pieces and reform Hinduism with Brahmins at top of the caste. † (Shean, Vincent) Though Hinduism was able to sustain itself through these times, Buddhism had been increasingly weak and these raids dealt a final blow. Buddhism captured the enthusiasm of the rich and poor alike. It was a religion that preached a way out of suffering, in a simple and direct fashion that could be understood by the common man. Unlike the Brahmanism that had become too recondite and scholarly for the masses, Buddhism fulfilled the spiritual needs of the people; every person could work their way towards enlightenment. Its notions of social equality earned it much success and the establishment of the Sangha gave it strength. It flourished for centuries, but eventually, the corruption of the Sangha, the rivalries between sects, and the lack of protection from the ruling class weakened Buddhism and made it unable to compete with the reformed Hinduism. The anti-Buddhist campaigns led by the Muslims caused its final downfall, and Buddhism eventually entirely disappeared from India between 1000 and 1200 C. E. It left India with a rich legacy that was partially incorporated into Hinduism. Works Cited Barnes, Trevor. The Kingfisher Book of Religions: Festivals, Ceremonies, and Beliefs from around the World. New York: Kingfisher, 1999. Print. I found this book useful because it creates parallels between the origins, developments, beliefs, festivals, and ceremonies of Hinduism and Buddhism. Eliade, Mircea, ed. The Encyclopedia of Religion. Complete and Unabridged ed. Vol. 1-2. New York: Simon Schuster Macmillan, 1995. Print. ENC. I found the encyclopedia to be very useful in providing facts to supporting my own path or thesis to understanding why Buddhism diverged from India and why Hinduism took its place? Parrinder, Geoffrey, ed. World Religions : from Ancient History to the Present. New York, 1983. Print. I found this to be a useful and reliable source that went into depth on the religions of Buddhism and Hinduism. Comparing the two religions I was able to draw tangible conclusions on the emergence of both theologies. Sheean, Vincent. THE BUDDHISM THAT WAS INDIA. Foreign Affairs. 1 Jan. 1951. Web. 2 Mar. 2010. The article focuses on the spread of Buddhism in India while discussing its clash with Hindusim. It describes the decisive struggles of which took place between Buddhism and Hinduism for control of India, and it goes into the results that are still being seen in the evolution of the Asian peoples. I found this source to be very useful because it focuses directly on my topic.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Parallel Computing Of Cryptography A Literature Review

PARALLEL COMPUTING IN CRYPTOGRAPHY A Literature Review Presented to Sharmin Khan Department of Computer Science San Jose State University In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Class CS 200W By Rachel Gonsalves May 2016 Abstract In today’s world a lot of data is being exchanged via the internet. Sensitive data such as official documents, bank details, credit card information, as well as personal information is being sent online. To maintain the confidentiality, integrity and availability of this data, it needs to be encrypted. Cryptology deals with cryptography and cryptanalysis, i.e., encryption and decryption of information. To keep the data safe from intruders, various cryptographic algorithms are implemented. Parallel processing enhances the speed of these systems and makes it more efficient. Parallel computation can be performed using multicore processors by parallelizing the execution of algorithms in multiple cores. The main area of focus will be the parallelization of Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm, which is widely in use today. The paper reviews the implementation of AES algorithm on multiple cores and the speedups observed in the process. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 4 2. Cryptography 5 3. Advanced Encryption Standard 5 4. Message Passing Interface 6 5. Parallel Processing System 8 6. Results and Performance 9 6.1. Encryption 9 6.2. Decryption 11 7. Conclusion 13 References 13Show MoreRelatedAnnotated Bibliography On Information Security2492 Words   |  10 PagesAbstract Information security is a major concept in today’s industrial and computer era, so security must be higher to protect the confidential data. Information security plays major role in computer and network security with the use of different cryptography algorithms that includes the encryption and decryption of data with the uses of the algorithm and the key. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Good Will Hunting Directed By Gus Van Sant And Released

Good Will Hunting, directed by Gus Van Sant and released in 1997, focuses on an underprivileged young man and his group of friends from a lower class Irish area of Boston. Will, who is the main character, works as a janitor at an elite college, but he is actually a genius. Professors discover his ability after Will proves a mathematical theorem anonymously on a chalkboard at the college. Despite his intelligence, he has a criminal record and violent tendencies. Generally, he hides his intellect to fit with those closest to him. The bar scene gives deep insight into the entire movie, showing the interpersonal conflict inside Will; being forced to choose between fitting in with his hoodlum family of friends and his potential life among the educated. The bar scene is early in the movie. Will and his group of friends Chuckie, Morgan, and Billie are at a Harvard college bar. Almost all the patrons are people who come from an upper class segment of society. An egotistical male Harvard st udent named Clark confronts Chuckie while he is hitting on two of the college girls. Clark automatically looks down on Chuckie and attempts to belittle his intelligence. Will watches from the shadows of the bar, but quickly comes forward to defend his friend. He confronts Clark using his witty, intelligent banter to discredit Clark’s attempt at proving his superiority. Will counters every verbal jab thrown his way, before making an unexpected physical threat to end the confrontation. The sceneShow MoreRelatedPsychoanalysis Of Good Will Hunting1253 Words   |  6 PagesPsychoanalysis of Will Hunting Good Will Hunting is a good example of how someone with psychological disorders can overcome their issues through therapy. This is a classic film that was released in 1997. It was directed by Gus Van Sant, and written by Ben Affleck and Matt Damon. The key actors of this movie include Matt Damon, Robin Williams, Ben Affleck, Minnie Driver and Stellan Skarsgà ¥rd, with Damon being the main character, Will. In the movie Good Will Hunting, director Gus Van Sant shows that Will

Write a Thesis Statment for the Topic Drug Abuse Prevention free essay sample

Billions of dollars are spent internationally preventing drug use, treating addicts, and fighting drug-related crime. Although drugs threaten many societies, their effects can also be combated successfully. This essay looks at some of the effects of drug use on society, and suggests some solutions to the problem. Paragraph 2: Problems Topic Sentence Drug abuse causes multiple problems for countries and communities. Medical effects Medical Examples 12 The medical and psychological effects are very obvious. Addicts cannot function as normal members of society. They neglect or abuse their families, and eventually require expensive treatment or hospitalization. Crime Crime Examples 12 The second effect is on crime. Huge police resources are needed to fight smuggling and dealing. Criminal gangs and mafia underworlds develop with the money from drugs. drugs. doc 9/24/2011 8:55:00 AM Paragraph 3: Solutions Topic Sentence Education Education Examples 12 However, the menace of drugs can be fought.. Education is the first battle. Children need to be told at home and in school about drugs. We will write a custom essay sample on Write a Thesis Statment for the Topic Drug Abuse Prevention or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page People need to be aware of the effects so that they can make avoid this problem Police Example 1 A second approach is to increase police manpower and powers to stop dealers and to enforce the law. User However the main target should be the user. User example 1 Example 2 Families and counselors need to talk to children and people at risk. Parents need to look at their children and help them to become responsible. Jobs are needed to give people a role in society. Conclusion Topic Sentence Summary of essay: problem: solution In conclusion, although the problem of drugs may seem impossible to eliminate, there are concrete steps that can be taken to weaken the hold of drugs on society. Future statement The danger from drugs is too great to ignore. drugs. doc 9/24/2011 8:55:00 AM Final Essay Drug abuse is rife in many countries. Billions of dollars are spent internationally preventing drug use, treating addicts, and fighting drugrelated crime. Although drugs threaten many societies, their effects can also be combated successfully. This essay looks at some of the effects of drug use on society, and suggests some solutions to the problem. Drug abuse causes multiple problems for countries and communities. The medical and psychological effects are very obvious. Addicts cannot function as normal members of society. They neglect or abuse their families, and eventually require expensive treatment or hospitalization. The second effect is on crime. Huge police resources are needed to fight smuggling and dealing. Criminal gangs and mafia underworlds develop with the money from drugs. Despite these problems, the menace of drugs can be fought. Education is the first battle. Children need to be told at home and in school about drugs. People need to be aware of the effects so that they can make avoid this problem. A second approach is to increase police manpower and powers to stop dealers and to enforce the law. However the main target should be the user. Families and counselors need to talk to children and people at risk. Parents need to look at their children and help them to Jobs are needed to give people a role in society. In conclusion, although the problem of drugs may seem impossible to eliminate, there are concrete steps that can be taken to weaken the hold of drugs on society. The danger from drugs is too great to ignore. 256 words drugs. doc 9/24/2011 8:55:00 AM